Today is day 25 of our advent countdown to Christmas....
so thankful that you have taken this journey with us!
What an exciting day! I couldn't wait to get the kids up this morning (yes- our kids are THAT old!)...
We began the day with our final reading in our advent devotional. Today we placed the star on our tree and read, in Luke 2, how angels appeared to the shepherds in the fields and told them of the birth of the Savior, the Messiah, Jesus...
No matter how many times we have read the story of Jesus' birth, it always brings such joy and emotion!
The most difficult thing about Christmas for me is that there is such a great build up for the special day, and then- like a flash- its over. I always want it to last longer...
But the amazing thing is, and it seems to be hitting me harder this year than ever before, is that Christmas day may pass, but Jesus stays with us.
Christmas goes on forever!
The birth of Christ... the reality of His Presence coming to earth... the Gift of salvation and the Great LOVE it represents...
THAT is what its all about!
The Gift of Jesus is with us now. And it will be with us tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the....
He IS truly the Gift that keeps on giving!
Our final question in our devotions today was a great one:
"How can you unwrap more of Him in the coming year?"
We talked about what unwrapping the Gift of Jesus each day looks like in our own lives... from intentionally spending more time in His Word, to living out conversational prayer with God throughout the day, to actively being Jesus to others...
We have the privilege as followers of Jesus Christ- the Greatest Gift- to share that gift with others, to BE a gift to others!
We can continue to keep Christmas alive by doing what Jesus did- going into the world and bringing light and hope to people living in darkness!
How might He be calling you to unwrap more of Him this coming year?
Our prayer for you this evening of Christmas is that you take time to REST in Him, to REJOICE in Him, to RESPOND to His call, and to RADIATE His love!!!
Merry Christmas from the Heckmans in Haiti!