Ever since November when this team came last year, we have been waiting for March 2017 for Harvest's medical team to visit again. March came and went in a whirlwind! We were so busy with this team but it was a blast!
We took them to one of our favorite churches on Sunday morning...
And straight to the beach afterward!
One of my Mom's former youth group girls, (now good friend!) Sabrina, came the same week as the team for a mission's trip over spring break!
She decided she wanted to be baptized while she was here and it was an awesome experience!
All week I worked as a translator for the dentist, and Sabrina assisted him alongside of another sweet team member, Nicole!
As well as working in the main clinic Jehovah Rapha, we did mobile clinics in different villages...
With lunch at the mobile clinic we had coconuts!
Transporting all the supplies for the clinics was quite the adventure...
The kids loved playing soccer while waiting their turn to see the doctors!
Natalie and I <3
We did one at Granny's church, and Stacey accompanied us as one of our translators!
Consultations were done in the classrooms of the school by the church...
We set up our little dentist's station on the stage of the church...

He is so precious.
After a week of hard work and new friendships, of lots of healing and helping, the Harvest team returned to their home in Canada, and Sabrina returned to the States!
Thanks for reading! Be looking for another blog soon!!