after nearly three months of not writing, I am back... and I have much to share!
Here is a bit of a recap...
In September I had the AWESOME privilege of going to Bosnia to visit my sister Amanda, and to spend 5 days with her in Rome!!!
What an amazing, emotional experience that was for me. To finally be able to meet all of her Bosnian friends and "family" (after almost 10 years!) was so sweet. And to get to have some really, good quality time with my sister was super special. I don't think we have ever spent that much time together... it really made me realize how much I miss her!!! I am SO thankful for the amazing time together and for God's provision to make that a reality!
Before going to Europe, I felt God calling me to go back to school to pursue my Master's degree. After getting back from the trip (and especially after visiting Rome!), I felt called to specifically pursue a degree in Church History.
So... in October I officially became a full-time student through Liberty University online! I am two weeks from completing my first semester and loving my classes. Not only this... my role here at Emmaus is changing too. I am now a professor and will begin teaching my first class, Pauline Epistles, with our third-year students, in February! I am excited (and super nervous!) about stepping into this new position. Prayers are MUCH appreciated!
The kids have been doing great in home-schooling. I can't believe that Haylie is in junior high and Ethan is in high school! They really enjoy what they are learning and I love having them home.
Haylie helps me out every day in the kitchen and with laundry, and is also teaching Lily piano and helping Stacey out in the finance office one day a week. Ethan is working with Phil every afternoon outside in the garden and around the seminary, and learning new skills in the shop with him. We cherish this time with our kids and are so thankful that they have the opportunity to work alongside of us here. (They are also having lots of fun with their Haitian and missionary friends too!)
Phil has been busy working on all kinds of projects around the campus, from welding to landscaping to chair making! It sure is looking BEAUTIFUL around here :)
We are nearing the end of the semester here at Emmaus, which means its time for soccer tournaments, the talent show and the Christmas party. It is an exciting time!
Christmas is my favorite time of the year! I love decorating. I love Christmas music. I love making cookies and wrapping presents. And I especially love the Advent season and the daily countdown to the celebration of the birth of Jesus!
This year we are doing an extra special Advent devotional time. We purchased Ann Voskamp's Unwrapping the Greatest Gift (check it out HERE). Each day, beginning tomorrow, we will be reading a devotional together, adding an ornament to our Jesse Tree, and doing a special activity as a family. We have been doing lots of preparations in anticipation of our time together and we can't wait to share it with you!
Looking forward to writing more frequently and staying connected throughout the Christmas season! We would LOVE to hear about what you are planning to do to celebrate Jesus this Christmas.
Stay tuned for lots more Advent excitement!