Over the time of Advent we were reminded, as many of you read in our newsletter, of how much we need to cherish the time of waiting. Advent means "a time of expectant waiting" and it is completely synonymous with how we are feeling about Haiti.
Waiting can be SO difficult, and yet so amazing, all at the same time... being able to watch as God moves and works and does what only He can do. When I am doing all of the work, it seems that nothing gets done! But when I simply wait on Him- He provides, He moves and He accomplishes so much more than I could ever do!
On that note, we have some very exciting news to share! Even though it seems that much of our missions planning and scheduling came to a screeching halt over Christmas, God continues to work. So here it is...
As of January 1st, 2013- we are currently 80% funded for Haiti!!! Isn't that amazing?!?! God is truly "Jehovah Jireh"- (which means- The Lord Will Provide)
This term is first found in Genesis 22- in the story of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham is commanded by God to take his son Isaac and sacrifice him to the Lord. Abraham is faithful (as crazy as that seems!), and just as he is preparing to do as God directed him, God provides a ram to serve as a sacrifice instead. Genesis 22:14 says "And Abraham called the name of that place “The Lord provides.” It is said to this day, “In the mountain of the Lord provision will be made.”
The name Jehovah Jireh literally translates as "The Lord Who Will See To It". What an amazing promise that is for us, isn't it? God's Word tells us that not only does God see us and see our needs, but that He will be faithful to "see to it" that we are taken care of. We may not always know what that will look like in each circumstance we face, but we can trust that HIS provision is the BEST thing for us!
I think of how often I am like Abraham in moments like these... I am working to take care of what God has commanded me to do and then, He reveals to me that He is the one who will ultimately "see to it" that His will and plans are accomplished. It doesn't mean that I don't have to do the work that is required of me when the time comes, but it does tell me that when I am faithful to His call, He will work out the details and provide for our needs!
Now that we are only 20% away from meeting our funding goal, below I have listed a few upcoming events/speaking engagements to share with you. Please be praying for God to continue to provide for our needs, for Him to open doors for us to share our calling at churches and with individuals, for our house to sell (definitely has to be a GOD thing in this economy!) and for our hearts to be prepared to GO... 2 Haiti 4 Him!
Thank you for your continued love and support!
The Heckman Family
January 20th- Speaking at First United Methodist Church in Bridgeton
January 31st- Speaking at chapel at Bridgeton Christian School
Still planning... please let us know if you would like us to come speak to your church, small group or fellowship gathering! (pheckman@onemissionsociety.org)
In Indiana for Cross Training at One Mission Society
Still planning... please let us know if you would like us to come speak to your church, small group or fellowship gathering! (pheckman@onemissionsociety.org)
Tentative departure for Haiti...
End of August 2013!